"I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day."

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Content, or Comtempt?

I witnessed something today. Probably something that no one else would've given a second thought to. Maybe even laugh at. I was waiting, parked outside for someone. I'm out there for maybe fifteen minutes. Which had me furious. Those who know me, know that I am not patient. That I almost panic when I have to wait. Something about the force of nothing. Its sort of when someone gets claustrophobic in small spaces. Which happens to me too, but that's a whole other story. Anyways, I did good. I waited, I tested my patience. Relaxed. So I close my eyes. A minute later, I'm startled by a man's voice. There's this guy, talking to-what appears to be his other half, for lack of better words. The expression in his voice, was insulting to me, and he wasn't even talking to me. She stood there, let this guy converse to her this way, and got in the car with him. That alone, is  completely unreasonable for me to believe. I guess there are people, that are so content with what their lives are, that they are willing to accept what is brought onto them. Without argument, without dignity, not even a blink in the eye. Has it come to the point where someone has to forget what they are worth and take what they get? I have to say I completely disagree with this. Its ashame that we have this in our lives. If you cant live life without being subjected to this, why not change it? I know its easier said then done, but come on now.

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