"I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day."

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Don’t pry your crying eyes

The last few days my life has been demoralized by two words. Don’t pry. What does this even mean? Where does the line exist? Where does the rights or acceptable begin and end? I just don’t know. 

I struggle with this. Never in my entire life have I had someone say this to me. Not once. I don’t get it. I also don’t understand why this world keeps backing me up into these corners. I feel like the dog who is being yelled at for peeing on the carpet. The dog doesn’t understand why he wasn’t allowed to pee on the carpet. So there he is, backed into a corner with his face down, being pointed at and told to stop. The dog may even be punished by having his faced smudged into said pee. To teach him it was the wrong thing to do. 

Let’s rewind. I didn’t pee on any carpets. 

I didn’t realize that a simple- “Are you okay” was considering prying. I didn’t know that being concern was equal to peeing on the carpets. 

My Life

Friday, February 9, 2018

See you when I see you

You need to stop pointing fingers. You need to get over things. You need to have respect. You need to learn to just let go. You need to stop. You make me so angry. You’re pushing me away. I don’t feel alone. The long drives help to clear my mind. I said I was sorry. I didnt mean the things I said. I want to be with you. I want us to be a family. You don’t listen. You’re not a listener. You never stop. Just leave me alone. I can’t talk to you. Talking to you is like talking to a broken record. There you go with your stupid clichés. You don’t make sense. This is why I get so angry. I want us to be together. Im fed up. I can’t be caged. You make me not want to try. It’s going to take a strong woman. I will give my best. I am the hardest working. I love those babies. I miss you more. It’s never going to be you. I’m tired of this. I don’t want this. Leave me the fuck alone. I love you.

This is what the words of a narcissist look like. 
This is not what love is.