"I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day."

Monday, December 26, 2011

Couple of familiar faces, is gonna turn it all around?

Forgive me, but I don't understand how one can say that those around them make them into who they become. Your mind is on the inside for a reason. Its the only livelihood man has left to take upon himself and do as he pleases with. I will not agree with someone not being able to make their own choices, change the way they live, or live with themselves- and blame it on those around you. Thats BS.

Do not come at with nonsense.

Suck it up, admit your mistakes, take blame, and move on.

1 comment:

  1. This person may have made sense if he or she has the same insight on life as one as wise as myself. I'd have to say that I am in agreement with the notion that others can cause the negative or positive outcome of someone else's life. A person can have a self-esteem level that is so low that there entire life up until the moment of death was actually controlled or planned out by another individual. Take for instance the concept of planned marriage. This is practiced in many different cultures. Who is to say how many women's lives would turn out to be different if it wasn't for their dad promising their first born to a best friend over a beer. This is real, this happens and this is life.
