"I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day."

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Some Lazy Thursdays Going On

So...I went into my day, excited to begin it. Unsure of what I'd be doing. Nervous to experience new things. Worried about certain people. Missing one small person. Mad I woke up later than I planned. Afraid I was missing out on more important stuff. Upset with the one person that is always supposed to be there for me. I was a whole bunch of everything all jumbled into one person waking up and beginning their day. So I dealt with it, with much appreciation, outstanding enthusiasm, and impressive reaction as any one person could have. I didn't learn much. I wasn't surprised by much. The only thing that stuck with me throughout my whole day was his eyes. Those "deep" eyes. Those" somewhat guilty" eyes. Those "pulling me in" eyes. Those "nervous" eyes. Those "confident" eyes. Those "cocky" eyes. Those "strong" eyes. Those eyes. Its ashame that all I got to see was the back of those eyes. My day probably wouldnt have ended the way it has if I had. I wouldn't be sad, or blank, or blah. I set myself up for things like this. I did it to myself. What was I suppose to expect. My expectations are completely unreasonable. I may very well be one crazy person, but this HE does it to me, and he knows he does. He secretly takes it for granted, and I know. Emotional affairs are for the birds. Lookout trees, here I come!

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