"I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day."

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Repeat offenders. Fuck them...and I'm not talking about criminals here.
Oh.. How I'd love to love ya.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Manipulative. That's enough of that.
A few moments ago, I wanted nothing but to talk to you. Only you. I was so silly to believe that you would actually be there when I needed you to be. That mistake will not happen again. You have my word.
BT...with my MMMMM.
I am scared to death of myself. Horrible huh?
Family. Remind me to come back to this.
Stars are beautiful tonight. The moon is a small crescent...almost orange in color. Would be nice to have you here.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Can't waste talent on nonsense, right?

Monday, April 23, 2012

"If you don't see grassroots when ya wake up- I'd say you're pretty good" ...quote from some old canadian guy at the bar :)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Thoughts of you cloud my judgement. Stop that please.

Friday, April 20, 2012

I'm gonna make today an amazing day.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Done with you. Done with that life. Cutting all ties. Goodbye.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Time for Zzz.

My mind wont stop accumulating thoughts that I dont want to be filled with...so....BT.

Fight or Flight

How am I the only one who sees this?

The brain is an amazing, vital organ of its possessor. It will make you do some pretty great things. Some pretty scary things. Some pretty crazy things. It will definitely keep you busy when nothing else will.

Take the whole fight or flight theory...

Some people use this as a way of coping, or dealing with something, that is out of the normal for them. Kind of a defense mechanism. Some adopt this method purely by mistake. Its associated with the different stresses, anxieties, moments, etc. that one may go through each day. Anyways, in certain circumstances, sure-this could be beneficial. In others- it doesn't really do much for you.

I only bring this up because I may have adopted a similar practice. Its not that I am on the edge, or always in defense mode, but sometimes...it feels like I should be.

Not sure if its a good thing or bad.

If it suits you just the same...

What am I talking about here?

Outside your skin.
Not yet known
Thoughts unspoken
Nothing has grown.

Speech is mute
Loss is ahead
Not used to it now
Over it instead.

In my mind here
Turns me still
Dance away from it
Finally we fulfill.

And if you turn around?

.................I wont be looking back.

If only you knew... :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Dreams. Dreams. Dreams.

My wish for you...

...Smiles...for when sadness intrudes.
...Comfort...on difficult days.
...Laughter...to kiss your lips.
...Confidence...for when you doubt.
...Courage...to know yourself.
...Patience...to accept the truth.
...Sunsets...for your eyes to see.
...Faith...to hold your beliefs.
...Hugs...to keep you warm.
...Wisdom...for you to know better.

If only it were that easy huh?
If you had just one wish...what would that wish be?

Monday, April 16, 2012

Hold on a second..

Enough is enough, right?

Why- when it was all going down, did it feel so worth it?

People Suck

Maybe I don't know enough about this crazy screwed up world. Maybe I sometimes don't know what I am talking about. Maybe I allow people to get to me more than I should. Maybe I worry too much sometimes. Or maybe I just thought better of this place. Who knows. Whatever works, right?

So many secrets...I could keep.


Ever come across those people...that make you think- You've got to be joking me? It puzzles me. Is it just me that thinks this way? I know I cannot be the only one who sees this. Is there something that I am missing? What makes this okay?

These kind of people annoy me. I dont know if it is their lack of common sense, or just genuine human kindness. It drives me crazy.

Guess I'm left with two options- Allow it to get to me, or dismiss it and not let it bother me.

Waste of my time.
I think I love you too. THINK.

But quit being a punk.
Tomorrow is going to be probably one of the worst days I've had in a while. A few days ago, it took everything I had to be strong and be okay. I've been in a weird mood lately, and I'm hoping that I haven't taken my nonsense out on the wrong ppl. Anyways, wish me luck for tomorrow, I'm gonna need it.

Friday, April 13, 2012

I am so tired of missing people. If this keeps up, I'm gonna be at the point of not caring at all. It's what I do.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Could've been more..

It amazes me how many different ways my mind can go. Guess that comes with being crazy huh?

Am I being stubborn...or stupid?

Monday, April 9, 2012

Good karma

My mornings turn into evenings
Far faster than they should
My nights turn into sleep
Easier than I thought they would.

I place my mind in yours
And get lost at every turn
I peek around for answers
If for nothing else but learn.

But find nothing.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

How I spent my day today.

7:30AM- My alarm clock woke me. I pulled the plug, threw the curtains over the window, and slept some more. Not wanting to start just yet.
8:15AM- Ciara wakes me...I managed to talk her into napping. Its absolutely amazing how at ease she puts me.
10:30AM- I finally get out of bed to face what the day has got for me. This wasn't easy.
11:00AM- Pancakes. They wanted pancakes, so they got em.
11:30AM- Pictures. Of course.
1:00PM- Delaware, enough said huh?
1:15PM- I walked away from that house, leaving my babies there to visit. I felt my entire body go numb the minute their front door closed behind me. I wanted to turn around, take them back, and keep them all for myself.
1:30PM- I arrived to see my angel. I must've sat there, with my head in my lap for what seemed to be hours.
2:20PM- I sat in the car, fixing myself. Erasing the mess I just put upon myself.
3:00PM- Finally. Delaware again. In my arms again.
3:30PM- Family nonsense time.
5:30PM- Home.
Now- I'm doing just fine.

And I did it all by my lonesome.

If you're reading this and it's still Sunday, then Happy Easter to you! By the way, has it been two weeks yet??

Saturday, April 7, 2012

...is it wrong to be so sad?

I put myself here. I did this. I imagined it day in and day out.