"I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day."

Thursday, March 17, 2011

So my day ended up being better than I thought it would be. With the exception of having to do seven days worth of "home stuff" in only a few hours. Other than that, it was nice. It was nice not having to worry about things, or deal with people. (I did get to talk to my almost favorite person today, mostly about nonsense, but nice nonetheless)

I must say that at times, I do things, or say things, without meaning to, by accident of course. I sometimes feel like maybe I shouldn't have gone there with what I said, but so what...right? If I'm thinking it, I say it. I try not to hold things back, or walk circles around the obvious. I may at times be very blunt and to the point, but its always attached to the best intentions. I wish more people would be that way. If you've got something to say, just say it. If you feel someone needs to hear something, let them. It would resolve so many issues, past, present, or future.

We rarely get that anywhere else. Most of what we get is not controlled. You watch the news...who knows if what they are telling you is the truth? Who's to say its completely backed up with facts? You are programmed to believe what the news says and reports. You were never meant to question it. That's why its here, been here a while, and probably never going away. Kinda like when you are young. You believe everything your parents tell you because you do not know any better, or anything different. Then you grow up and realize that 90% of what you were told growing up was a bunch of bullshit. The only difference is, that you cant exactly tell a child horrible things, or the actual "truths". It would crush them. I guess it all depends on the circumstances and situations you are put into. But these circumstances and situations are ones that "cannot be helped"...if that makes sense.

How did I just go from my day being nice...to news and parents lie to you? Wow. It reminds me of the most recent letter I received from my "real dad". He write his letters to me during different times and days. He jumps around from subject to subject. Almost confusing, but completely understood. Its sad really. As a whole picture looking at it, it really is sad. He does this with all of his letters, and I'm pretty sure I do it with alot of my nonsense. Coincidence? No...probably not.

Didn't I tell you I was crazy???

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