"I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day."

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

social relations involving authority or power

Thats politics for ya. If only everything were that easy.

You get this one person, who gets this one idea. This person does what he has to do to implement it. At all costs. It doesnt matter to him that the business he has just shut down supplies twenty people with jobs, who all have families counting on them. It doesnt matter to him that the money that is getting paid to these "shut outs" could change someone else's life, could allow the man beside him on the train to have a good meal, or be able to feed his young children. It doesnt matter to him that the benefits of 30% of people will be exhausted in months. That is, if they were able to afford it, now that they are unemployed.

People piss me off. Is there nothing better that these efforts could be going to?

This man, who had this big brilliant idea is not the enemy. The enemy is power. Given too much, it turns to danger.

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