"I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day."

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Days are gone now..

There are probably a thousand things that one could experience throughout their day, that makes them go absolutely crazy. They may not express this, they may not show it to the world, or let anyone know its happening. But it happens. 

Take "love" as an example. Any given person lives, dies, and kills for it. It makes people crazy. What else in this world, maybe aside from illegal drugs, or mental illnesses that have this effect on someone? No one tells you that a simple act of meeting any one person, could lead to all the silliness, the wild antics...etc...all this stuff that adds up to the simple explanation of love. No one tells you that it makes you go crazy. You would think someone would at least warn you of something that could have such great effect on your life. But yes, I know...nonsense. I"ll go with the reasoning of...everyone has to experience this for themselves. If told...it takes all the fun out of it.

Kinda goes back to the whole- who are you kidding analogy that I have placed inside of my mind...for me and only me.

Funny thing with me...I don't need this kinda nonsense...I'm already crazy.

Its late...and its called rambling.

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