"I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day."

Monday, November 29, 2010



You drive me crazy. You make me think I'm crazy more often than I actually am. (hopefully?) On any other given day, time, moment, I am Me. I don't get scared, or nervous, or weird. I'm very to the point, and don't question anything once I make my choice, or say I'm going to do something. When it comes to You though...its the complete opposite. You are mean to me, and you make fun of me, and laugh at me, and piss me off. I cuss at you in my head probably twenty times a day. It takes a lot for me to get mad or angry. It doesn't happen very often. With You...it sometimes does. You make me think too much sometimes. I don't know any meanings behind all of your crazy talk. That is, unless I pry it out of you. You make me think about things that I normally would never think about. That may be a good thing. I dunno. We both made a deal with each other a long time ago, and I'm pretty sure that neither one of us has kept to it. When I say something to you, and it sounds like I am very confident, its probably because I am.  You are that way too, but with you...there's a little cockiness and attitude behind it.

You didn't think I was gonna tell you all the good stuff did you? That would put me in the not such a bitch after all position...and we couldn't have that.


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