"I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day."

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Another late night.

I was so tired by the time all my nonsense was complete. I jumped in bed, expecting to actually get some kind of sleep. That didn't work in my favor. But when does anything?

i almost fell asleep. I was 99% there. Then what happens? Banging at my door. Now, I am the biggest chicken at night. When the entire house is dark...I'm not completely sure if I remembered to lock the doors...there are windows everywhere...its scary. So me being so chicken, jumped outta bed, hit my foot on the night stand of course...so now I'm cussing, loudly. I'm so pissed of at this point, that I'm just at the point that- whoever at my door, I'm gonna just scream at and what not...not even thinking...what if its a stranger or something.

So...guess who it was? My creepy neighbor. I answer the door, 1:30 AM mind you, are you kidding me? Is there something in this screwed up world that just picks days outta the week to make the official " lets fuck with Miranda' kinda days? It sure feels like that sometimes.

Anyways, he locked himself out of his house. He wanted to use my phone. He was obviously drunk or something. I, of course tell him no, cuz I wasn't letting him come in.

Long story short....after I told it (OMG)- I cant sleep now. Its two in the morning and no sleep in sight. Perfect isn't it?

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