"I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day."

Sunday, October 3, 2010

A few weeks ago, I had this dream. I dreamed I was walking through the airport, meeting someone. On my way, when I was actually walking, this older lady stops me to tell me about whatever it was she was soliciting. I was very rude to this lady and kept going. It was almost like I was in too much of a hurry to care, or be aware of what was going on around me. This lady, she was wearing this huge hat. One of the ones that needed a hat box because it looked so antique-ish. Anyways...It happened to me last night. My initial reaction in my head of course, was deja vu. As soon as I was walking past her, and she tried to stop me, I paused. I seen flashes of this in my head. Had that feeling.

Now I see how this could seem stupid. I have read pretty much every article on premonitions, listened to ever podcast on deja vu. I have heard or read everything to do with anything like this. However, this isn't the first time, or even the hundredth time this has happened to me. This was only the second time that it happened like this though. Normally it would just be instances, or images, that would come to my head as something Ive already experienced. This time, it was more or I should say longer? It was strange, because it takes a good ten minutes to walk through to the waiting area, and from the very beginning, when I left my car, I noticed it. I felt it. Almost every other time I have notice something like this, it has been associated with something significant in my life. As far as this goes, it could mean nothing, or something, I'm not sure. On the way back out of the airport, the lady was gone. Almost like she wasn't there to begin with. Maybe she wasn't there at all? Who knows.

Off to start my day now. Lets hope it goes smoothly, and easy. Yeah right...

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